Intouch Relocations’ Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Alex Brits to the position of Managing Director of our South African business.

We undertook a rigorous recruitment review and assessment process, both internally and externally as part of our comprehensive succession plans to ensure that we develop our smartest young talent, nurture and mentor them to take our business forward while retaining the values, entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to excellence that have made Intouch Relocations the success it is today.

Alex joined the company in 2010, learning and acquiring a passion for the business through a number of functions from an administrative support role to managing client accounts and coordinating assignee programmes before moving to sales and marketing under Anne Bentley and then being appointed Marketing Manager on Anne’s retirement. As Managing Director, Alex brings international relocation experience, business acumen, leadership skills and innovation to the role and has the support of our exceptional Johannesburg team. One of her first priorities will be the implementation of our exciting IT assignment management platform which together with its user friendly Apps will simplify processes, and significantly enhance assignee experience and client reporting.

Intouch Relocations has a depth of experience and talent in both the Middle East and Africa, and thought leaders to drive our regional strategy. Corallie Pringle will remain an integral part of our business and its future, continuing in her role as CEO and driver of our Africa business whilst both she and Sebastien Besson will provide Alex with the mentorship and guidance to excel in her new role.

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